Monday, October 29, 2007

What this blog is all about

Inner Yad is about the inner process one goes through while becoming more religious -- specifically becoming a more observant Jew.This is a blog about the inner conflict and change one goes through and as such the blogger, Yad, remains anonymous. 

What can you expect from this blog? I will end this post with a quick word on the phrase "becoming more religious".

Phrases like "becoming more religious" or "becoming observant" drive me nuts. I have always been religious. Saying that I am becoming more observant sounds like I am improving, which I think I am, but if someone one else is not observant, the last thing I want them to think is that I think less of them. I do not, which is why phrases like "becoming more religious" drive me nuts. Personally they describe me becoming something better than I am, but please do not take them to be about you or anyone else. I am in no position to judge others.

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